Cine este Anche Yakubu?

Anche Yakubu is the leading integrator of solutions and services for the green energy industry - from charging stations for electric cars and plug-in hybrids, to on-grid photovoltaic systems and off-grid systems and Smart City solutions, all proven - for people and companies.

about hero
Misiunea noastră

Our mission is to give customers the opportunity to choose the right solution for them in a safe, fast and simple way, from a complex and comprehensive range of products from the 3 market segments and verified and trusted suppliers.

Complete charging solutions
(hardware software) for electrical machines and plug-in hybrids and accessories
Smart City Solutions
(charging docks for scooters and bicycles smart street furniture and lighting, smart management solutions waste management solutions, air quality sensors)
Photovoltaic systems
on-grid and off-grid

Anche Yakubu brings together experts from all areas

Together with a team of experts, suppliers, manufacturers, fitters, consultants and funding sources, we offer you the possibility to assess the location where you are considering installing the solution, your specific needs and your expectations over time. In addition, you can order solutions together with dedicated consultancy technical and financial solutions, but also with installation and help in use and maintenance.


Echipa Anche Yakubu



Team members met in the project "Atelierul de Proiectare", a national architecture magazine created by students for students at the Faculty of Architecture in Bucharest.


With creative vision, expertise technical expertise and experience in the market for environmentally friendly products and renewable energy, the project has turned into a business through the architectural.


The team also developed the project Green Spots, a startup focused on the production of urban solar chargers, charging stations for scooters and smart street furniture.


Yakubu reeds are born!


The team grew with people talented and passionate about the industry. Together, we provide 360 solutions that contribute to improving the quality of the built environment and community through solutions for the future.

De ce să cumpăr prin Anche Yakubu?

Customised solution. We are with you in choosing the right solution, with information on from the experts. We look at the technical aspects and and build a dedicated solution.

Resurse. Even if you don't have a training in the field, you can understand the usefulness and benefits of each solution. Education is at the heart of every movement, and a green revolution needs information to become tangible!

Community. You have the possibility to leave comments and notes on the solutions listed on the platform. In quality information and keep up to date with the latest with the latest technologies in the industry.

Funding sources. There is money and for "green" solutions! We come to you with information about funding sources and programmes available in this area. at the moment.

One-stop-shop. Together with partners and experts, we are with you every step of the way - through dedicated solution filtering, consulting, financing, installation teams and then in the use and maintenance solutions.

BREEAM LEED certifications and direct impact in CSR reporting and ESG REPORTING. Implementation of solutions from our portfolio make a direct contribution to BREEAM scores and LEED scores, but also in the value of your assets.